28 March 2009

hey guys i will be changing my blog url soon...
It will be: ymnyrwaks.blogspot.com
so if u find me here anymore try the other website

I will keep u guys in formed


Hey guys!

Really sorry 4 not posting long. I really wanted to post this few weeks but homework are drowning me! Really tried this few weeks. Today the Earth day, i Made everyone off the light in the house, but my block some people 8pm off light already so funny...

a lot of people very clever they go out and eat so dun need to stay in darkness... so crazy...
my uncle go bathe ion the dark.. he take the 'candle' that used battery and put in the toilet... loz..
boring.. today go to like Finnish all my skl homework..

Sleepy liao..
Bye bye

See u again maybe tomorrow
depends on my schedule!